Audit Your Social Media for Your Brand

The digital world stops for no one. It keeps changing and moving and forming, and it can be tough for small businesses to keep up and know what’s the most relevant way to engage with your audience on any social media platform. It’s important to keep your profiles up-to-date and refreshed a few times a year so that you can be sure it’s working for you.

Remember, above everything else, the reason you are on social media as a small business is because your audience is already there. It’s important that when they’re ready to engage with you, you have all the relevant information available to them on your pages. So, let’s take a look at your profiles to make sure they are up-to-date .

Auditing your profiles

Updating your profiles to reflect your brand.

First, take the time to look at each profile thoroughly to make sure it’s consistent with your current brand image and standards. In general, you should check the following:

Profile and Cover Images

Make sure these incorporate your current brand logo and imagery. If you’re on a platform with a cover photo, make sure it tells a brief story of who you are, what you do, and why your audience should care.

Don’t be afraid to incorporate a video cover story in your profile! Put together a brief video that gives a glimpse into who you are as an organization. Introduce a couple of team members, showcase an upcoming product, or share about an upcoming sale. Video content goes a long way on socials, just make sure it’s engaging and tells a great story.

About/Bio Text

You have limited space to work with when creating a social media bio, so it’s important to make the most of it. Make sure all fields are filled in completely and accurately with current brand messaging. Once again, it’s got to be clear and concise with the rest of your profile and answer the three questions: Who are you, what do you do and why does it matter?

For example, we help small businesses and nonprofits be seen and heard online. Is our About and Bio copy for many of our profiles because it’s our mission statement. We say this because we believe that digital space is the most accessible tool for small businesses to grow, and we help them win the day through these tools. We believe this one statement answers our three questions.


Are you using the same handle across all social channels? Your audience should be able to find you using the same handles across all of your social profiles.

However, if your accounts are different brands or products, they serve different purposes. Keep your handles as consistent as possible for each of your profiles.


Do your links go to an appropriate page on your website, current campaign, blog post, or another page on your website? If you have a current blog post your promoting, it can be an easy thing to miss if you forget to switch it back once that post is no longer a featured post. Make sure all of your links are up-to-date and reflect your brand well.

Pinned posts

Do you have any pinned posts on your pages? Are they still relevant and serving a good purpose for your audience? Make sure you update your pinned posts regularly so that it’s relevant and useful for your page visitors!

Next steps:

Once you’ve gone through your profiles and updated them to the best of your ability, now it’s time to evaluate your goals and identify your best-performing content so that you can be more informed about who you’re talking to and what you should be talking about.

Remember, your analytics are your best friend. Obsess over what’s doing well and what needs improvement. Who is responding and when are they responding? All of these things will lead you to a more informed and well-rounded social media presence.

Ready to audit for your performance? Start here!

Audits sound overwhelming, but they don’t have to be that way! Follow our 5 steps and you’ll be surprised how simple it can be. We’ll send you a copy of the process we take our clients through when auditing their profiles. It’ll help you understand how you are performing and what can be improved. Start your journey now to social media bliss!


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